See the answers to our most commonly asked questions below.

Do I need to buy modelling software in order to carry out a PIP test?
Certainly not. Whilst PIP does use an inverse finite element method to measure stress-strain curves, the user does not require any third party software packages nor any knowledge of modelling and simulation to carry out a PIP test. The inverse finite element procedure is carried out automatically via our proprietary software package CORSICA, which is provided alongside every machine.
Can PIP be used on all materials?
The test is currently designed for metallic materials, the method is accurate for all of the most common engineering metals. The test is not suitable for ceramics or polymers at this time. If you have a specific requirement please get in touch
Does Plastometex carry out trial tests?
Please contact our sales team who will be able to discuss this option with you.
What is the smallest sample that I can test?
Our benchtop system is capable of extracting stress-strain curves from samples as small as 3 x 3 x 1.5mm in size.
What sample preparation is required for a PIP test?
The surface to be indented must be reasonably flat and horizontal. However, a high polish is not required and indeed polishing as such can be avoided. A ground surface, with a surface roughness of no more than about 5 microns, is fine.
What is PIP?
PIP stands for "Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry", catchy, eh? PIP is a novel method that extracts bulk stress-strain curves (in both true and nominal form) from indentation test data. The method uses an inverse finite element method to do this.. Check out our blog "A Brief Overview of PIP" to learn more about this.
What is the output from a standard PIP test?
The primary output of a PIP test is a stress-strain curve (in both true and nominal form). Secondary outputs include a Brinell hardness number, the load-displacement plot, the residual profile shape of the indent, and a semi-quantitative indication of the degree of anisotropy in the material.
Where is Plastometrex based?
Our labs and offices are based in the historic city of Cambridge, UK. If you would like to arrange a visit please get in touch with our sales team.
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